Collaboration with ITA's Autonomous Systems Lab
The team starts a collaboration with ITA's Autonomous Systems Lab and begins working with 3D printing. After the 2015 LARC, the IEEE SEK category is terminated due to incompatibilities with the team's purposes.

Number of members increases
The IEEE SEK category is revisited. In addition, the number of members of the team increases significantly, mainly due to the improvements in the team's organization and on the training of new members.

VSS and Humanoid Kid-Size works start
The teams starts its projects on the Very Small Size and the RoboCup Humanoid Kid-Size categories.

ITAndroids makes podium on every category
On the 2012 Latin America Robotics Competition, the teams makes the podium on all 3 categories: 1st place on the Soccer 2D Simulation League, 1st place on the Soccer 3D Simulation League and 3rd place on the Humanoid Robot Racing competition.

Hardware production starts
The teams starts developing hardware, participating in Followline and Robot-Sumo competitions.

The team starts two new categories
The works on two new categories start: RoboCup Soccer 3D Simulation and Humanoid Robot Racing.

The team takes 10th place in the RoboCup Soccer 2D Simulation League
The team participates in the 2012 RoboCup 2D Soccer Simulation League and takes 10th place, the best result to the date from a brazilian Soccer 2D team.

Activities restart
The teams restarts its activities incorporating two groups working on the Brazilian Robotics Competition (CBR) categories.

2008 RoboCup in China
The team participates in the 2008 RoboCup competition in Suzhou, China.

Professor Jackson goes abroad to take his post-doctoral degree and several undergraduate students graduate, leaving the team, causing its activities to go on hiatus.

2007 RoboCup in USA
The team participates in the 2007 RoboCup competition in Atlanta, USA.

2006 RoboCup in Germany
The team participates in the 2006 RoboCup competition in Bremen, Germany.

The creation of the team
The ITAndroids team is created by Ph. D. Jackson Matsuura, a graduate student at the time and now a professor in ITA's Eletronics Department.

The team wins the RoboCup Simulation
After a single month of its creation, the team participates in the RoboCup Simulation and wins, quickly becoming one of the best Robotics teams in Brazil.